A boutique critical diversity consultancy and magazine

We help development organisations create impact through anti-racism, decolonisation and inclusion

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Your development ORGANISATION has great intentions

It’s complex

As an international development organisations (INGO) you are grappling with representation, colonial legacies and decolonization.


Designing programmes and advocacy campaigns that have social impact requires a meaningful engagement with difference.

diversity is a key enabler of growth, innovation and performance


There is growing frustration with the lack of diversity in INGOs, particularly within leadership. Organisations need to reflect the global communities they impact.

Effective Programmes

INGOs that value diversity benefit from improved community relationships, greater innovation and better programming.

successful programmes need diverse perspectives

changing expectations

To have a greater impact INGOs must look at how historical legacies of extraction, white saviourism and unequal Global North/Global South power dynamics impact their work.

engaging diversity

Diversity leads to better programmes, campaigns and organisational cultures. With increasing complexity, INGOs must critically engage with diversity if they want to change the world.


We can help


Black Coconut has specialist knowledge of the history, arguments, and complexities of international development and diversity.

We are guided by critical diversity literacy, a tool that assists us to understand, problem solve and uncover possibilities around difference.

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We pride ourselves on being a critical, independent advisor to international development organisations that want to meaningfully engage with diversity for impact.


Our Services

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  • Organisational culture audit and equity design

  • Anti-racist programme development, communications and advocacy

  • Climate justice, decolonization and gender analysis

  • Specialised equity and inclusion leadership coaching

  • Research and thought leadership

  • Workshops, facilitation and training programme development

 Our Clients

Let’s Talk about your next project


Our Team


Adanma Yisa

Adanma is the Director and Founder of Black Coconut. Her areas of expertise are critical diversity, decolonization, and race.


Didi Allie

Didi produces Black Coconut’s animations. She has a passion for exploring views and commentary through art. Didi completed a degree in Fine Art at Wits University.