critiquing, understanding, finding new solutions

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A decolonial focus

Through critically examining the legacies and impact of colonialism, we offer a strategic lens that is historically grounded, holistic, and considers power, agency, and justice.

FOr International organisations

We help development organisations create impact through anti-racism, decolonisation, and inclusion.

Doing dei work

Diversity is a key enabler of growth, innovation, and performance. We support you in creating impactful DEI programming for your environment.


We bring


Black Coconut has specialist knowledge of the history, arguments, and complexities of international development and diversity.

We are guided by critical diversity literacy, a tool that assists us to understand, problem solve and uncover possibilities around difference.

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Relationships between Sangomas no.3.jpg

We pride ourselves on being a critical, independent advisor to international development organisations that want to meaningfully engage with diversity for impact.


work with us

Interested in working together? We offer a range of services including strategic facilitation, retreats, and coaching.

Reach out to us here and we’ll get back to you!